Sunday, April 6, 2014

I'm Back

It's been so long since I've posted anything, and I'm honestly not sure if anyone noticed! Does anyone read this thing? The answer to that really doesn't matter. Just know that I am back! I am alive! I've honestly just been so busy with school-work and such that I haven't really been able to update. I also have no idea what to talk about, but hopefully that will change because summer is only a month and some change away! (Yayy!) I'm really hoping that during the summer I'll actually be able to post some pictures of my outfits, and other things I'm working on...

Until next time,
-J Rose

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

More Neoprene in 2014

It's 18 degrees in Atlanta right now, the coldest it's ever been since I've lived here, and the only thing I can think about right now is what I'll be wearing in the spring/summer. Where are my priorities? But then again, who needs a coat when it's actually summer in my mind!? I don't even like the summer that much, to be honest, but I do enjoy dreaming up outfits for any season other than the one I'm currently in. (In the summer, I start making fashion predictions for fall/winter.) It's a bit strange, but whatever. I recently came across a blog post somewhere about the material neoprene. (I can't remember where it was, but if I find it, I'll be sure to provide a link.) Anyway, when I searched neoprene on google, I literally only saw a bunch of scuba suits, which was weird because the article I read about the material was referenced to everyday clothing (and I'm a bit clueless on textiles). So, I decided to get specific, and instead searched "neoprene skirts", and thus I "discovered" the 8th wonder of the world.

*Click images for source.

Cynthia Crowley x Roxy collab. Getting very beach meets couture vibes from this.

Crop tops with high-waisted skirts paired with crop tops are honestly giving me so much life right now, and I think a neoprene crop top and skirt combo would be the cutest thing ever. Someone please make one. I beg of you. 

-J Rose

Monday, December 30, 2013

Departure of the Snake

New Year's resolutions are good. They help set a standard for the new year (hopefully good) and provide for ideals of self-improvement. Throughout the years, I have set some myself, which end up being forgotten as the year progresses. Originally, I planned to start the new year off with NO RESOLUTIONS. "Why?", you might ask. Well, 2013 was a good year for me. I can really say that I truly grew up this year. I've learned some responsibility, I've really grown to love myself (something I've battled with in the past). And lastly, along with loving myself, I UNDERSTAND myself and the way I think. This was the year of self-realization. I've come to terms with the fact that not everyone will like me, and vice versa. I don't live to please others, after all, it is my life, and no one else's. This year, I lost one of my best friends (not to death), but for personal reasons (not sure why). People come and go in our lives, but no matter how big or small their role is, we can't take them for granted. Every person that I've ever come in contact with has taught me a lesson in life, big and small. With that said, despite the ups and downs of 2013, I'm bringing in my new year with nothing but positivity and good vibes.

My New Year's Goals (Speaking them into existence)

  • Get a job
  • Save money
  • Get in shape (We'll see how far  this goes)
  • Be happy
  • Worry less
  • Do more creative things
  • Post more pictures of my own outfits
If anybody's reading this, have a good year. Happy early New Year! Comment below with your resolutions!

-J Rose

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Grunge Revival

Considering that I have a project due on Monday that I've barely started, I probably shouldn't be typing this post. However, if I don't start now, the thought will be a distant memory only to be forgotten forever. Here goes nothing. For the fall, I've really been into the 90's trends: high waisted jeans, flannels, Doc Martens, cropped sweaters, you name it. Here are some pictures for my fall/winter inspiration.

Source: Flatforms literally give me so much life

The Craft, 1996






**Found on WeHeartIt. Original sources lost.
-J Rose

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Something like an Introduction

I'm never good at delivering these type of things, but here goes nothing. This blog is a place for me to discuss all of my inner thoughts on fashion, bad Netflix movies, music, etc. to those who care (or don't). Despite all of the college applications, job applications, and schoolwork that senior year insist on imposing on me, hopefully I can post more on here. 'Til next time, Jordon.